BRAZGrass Slide 1
Welcome to​ BRAZGrass​
Optimise your growth potential and get a better yield
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Welcome to​ BRAZGrass​
Optimise your growth potential and get a better yield
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Welcome to​ BRAZGrass​
Optimise your growth potential and get a better yield
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Welcome to​ BRAZGrass​
Optimise your growth potential and get a better yield
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Welcome to BRAZGrass

Welcome to the online home of Brazgrass – the sole supplier of Bullet Seed to the Southern African agricultural community. Our range of products and unique delivery system are aimed at optimising the potential of your land and to maximise your returns, while providing high-protein feed for your livestock.

The collective experience of the Brazgrass team enables us to provide you, the producer, with the best possible solutions for all your pasture requirements. Whether your need is feed related, rehabilitation of your soil, or integration between your crops, our products provide the convenient and cost-effective solution you have been looking for. Our perennial seed is suitable for direct grazing, standing hay, silage, baling and as a cover crop for moisture retention. A variety of animals can benefit from our seed, including beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, goats, horses and game.

Brazgrass’ seed has been tried and tested in the Southern African climate and soil conditions, and have exceeded expectations time and time again.

Remember – no matter the size of your pasture, Brazgrass will ensure that your ‘Pasture is Profit’.

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